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Paraquat Lawsuit

Paraquat Cancer Lawsuit Attorney

Since the 1950s, the chemical molecule paraquat dichloride has been used as a herbicide. There is no known cure for paraquat, which may only be consumed directly. Because paraquat poisoning has caused one to two deaths per year, handling it calls for special training.


Even when paraquat is used as instructed, some critics contend that the public is still in danger. Although paraquat use is still permitted in the US by approved users, numerous lawsuits have been brought for the legal options and the claims that have been made.

What is Paraquat?

Parkinson’s disease is allegedly caused by long-term exposure to the common pesticide paraquat which is popularly used and sold in concentrated form and is mixed with water and sprayed on crops. When it comes to eliminating weeds and grasses that are glyphosate-resistant, it has shown to be quite effective. Farmers are at risk in this scenario because they come into contact with the herbicide up close. Additionally used on industrial farms, the poisonous pesticide exposes local residents.


Parkinson’s lawsuit contends that manufacturers neglected to disclose the risk. Farmers, agricultural labourers, and others are being defended by attorneys in lawsuits for damages.

Should You File a Paraquat Class Action Lawsuit?

There are numerous justifications for bringing a case if you were exposed to paraquat and later got Parkinson’s disease.

A knowledgeable paraquat attorney can assist you in submitting a claim for potential settlement, hold businesses accountable for misconduct, and raise awareness of the risks associated with paraquat.

Companies need to be held accountable

Plaintiffs in paraquat claims contend that the weed killer’s producers were aware for a long time that it was hazardous and might lead to Parkinson’s disease. They didn’t tell the plaintiffs or anyone else about this, so they kept selling it.


Over 377 companies worldwide make paraquat-containing goods. Syngenta’s Gramoxone brand is among the most well-known ones in the US. Herein, the lawsuit could make businesses answerable for their careless actions. Punitive damages are sometimes given by juries as punishment for businesses who willfully put the public in danger.

Paraquat Settlement: What Is It?

As the MDL is still in its early stages, no settlement has yet been reached, and there are multiple effects of paraquat, long term and short term both. The number of litigants participating may have an impact on the settlement’s available funds. Only monetary damages may be collected in the paraquat instances because they are being heard in civil court. The plaintiffs’ ability to accurately estimate past and future costs associated with their exposure to paraquat is therefore the more crucial.

Paraquat Lawsuits: Do I Qualify?

Theoretically, paraquat’s producers and distributors might be sued in the US by anyone who has been exposed to the chemical and experienced health issues. If you have Parkinson’s disease or were directly exposed to paraquat, or if you currently live or previously did so in an agricultural area where it may have been used, you may want to speak with a lawyer to have the merits of your case reviewed.


There is a lot of evidence indicating that even a small amount of the chemical can be hazardous if swallowed, even if there is no evidence at this time to suggest that indirect paraquat exposure increases the risk of Parkinson’s. Don’t think that in order to file a lawsuit, you must be an employee in the agricultural industry or have worked in paraquat manufacturing.


The great majority of claimants in the ongoing paraquat lawsuits are either paraquat users, had direct exposure while working in agriculture, or worked in a facility that produced it. If you belong to one of these categories and have Parkinson’s disease, you already share a lot of similarities with the plaintiffs in these lawsuits.


You’ll ultimately gain additional insight into the strength of your individual case after having it reviewed by a mass torts attorney.

Do I have a Paraquat case worth anything?

Examining past instances with comparable diseases is another method for estimating the amount. Given the rarity of Parkinson’s cases, it is helpful to compare those with a related disorder called tardive dyskinesia. These instances have resulted in settlements ranging from the hundreds of thousands to the millions. However, none of these have involved many plaintiffs; they have all been single plaintiff instances.


Ultimately, the number of plaintiffs who file a lawsuit and the severity of each plaintiff’s injuries will determine the settlement amount.


Reach out us to file your paraquat lawsuit

Parkinson’s disease affects one million people in America. There could be 100,000 potential lawsuits if Paraquat is to blame for even 10% of these Parkinson’s cases. Given the severity of Parkinson’s disease, we anticipate that there will be an increase in the number of Paraquat disease lawsuits.


Connect2attorney’s Paraquat lawsuit attorneys are currently looking for new Paraquat cases. You may be eligible to file a Paraquat case if you used or were exposed to Paraquat and later received a certified Parkinson’s Disease diagnosis.


To find out if you are eligible for a Paraquat Parkinson’s case, contact a Paraquat attorney right away. Call us at (888) 202-1350 to get in touch. If you have any questions, you can also text or email us at info@connect2attorney.com. Nearly twenty-four hours a day, a Paraquat lawyer watches text communications.

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